April 21, 2010

"My Dad played professional soccer for the USSR, So I didn't have a choice, I HAD to play soccer" - Yelena

What's Yelena and Chris' deal?
In the big ole' state of Texas, the only sport that matters is American football and I'm sure it has caused more than one shoot out between those cowboys. However, on Friday night at Nevada's we happened to bump into two Texans that enjoy the proper kind of football, Chris and Yelena. Born and bred Texans with an affinity for European football are a rare breed, so of course we took the opportunity to interview them. Chris, presumably a party boy, who graduated from the University of Texas supports the U.S. team and gal pal, Yelena supports Spain (Real Madrid in particular) and is convinced that they're going to win this year's South American World Cup.
So typically you'd assume that the man had dragged his lady friend to the bar to watch sports right? Not the case with this duo. Of the two Yelena was the self-professed soccer fanatic, who'd been raised on the sport by her father who played professionally for Russia. Pretty unexpected, but that's why soccer fans are so f-ing cool. After trying to get a job in soccer twice, Yelena has settled for doing PR at a high end jewelry company.

Their advice to New Soccer fans?
"Drag a group of friends to the bar, grab a beer and sit back and watch the game"

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